Know what is SEO and it’s history

Seo is the most useful method to improve your quality of your web pages and website through organic and algorithmic search engine search results. Generally the website URL address appears in the first list of a searching process getting the higher priority of visitors view. This is what we call a Search Engine Optimization. The presence, quality and quantity matter of a website is given by the seo process of web presence of that website. The area of seo search includes local search, image search, industry specific vertical search and video search.

Seo gives the idea of working of search engine and what people looking for in the internet. Content is the main factor of seo and the entire website. It also involves regular updating of content, proper html tagging, keyword density for respective content and search engine indexing process. The term seo is also known as search engine optimizers as it refers to a team or an industry that makes optimization for different client. It is also linked with website development and designing process as it requires some html editing in the content. Content editing, images, videos. Shopping carts, web site design are the general term used for describing for search engine friendly

During the mid of 1990 all the optimizers and content providers was started the optimizing of sites. All webmasters just submitting the address of pages to different search engine and search engine will crawl the pages at that time. Search engine downloads that files and store in its server and where indexer extracts the various information about the content. It specifies the weight of the words, about different words, where it is located, date information and all linking to the pages. As importance of ranked sites increases daily they created a path for white hat and black hat seo optimizers.

Keyword Meta tag and indexing files are the early information about which search algorithm are based upon that is provided by the webmasters. Sometimes keywords choice in Meta tag harms the actual content of site in appropriate representation of its actual content. This can imbalance the rank of pages and make it irrelevant searches. Larry page and Sergey Brin of Stanford University developed a mathematical algorithm known as Page rank that is based upon quality and different links. It provides the page rank for website in respective 10 of totals as higher the page rank higher is the surfer for that website.
