Seo is the most useful method to improve your quality of your web pages and website through organic and algorithmic search engine search results. Generally the website URL address appears in the first list of a searching process getting the higher priority of visitors view. This is what we call a Search Engine Optimization. The presence, quality and quantity matter of a website is given by the seo process of web presence of that website. The area of seo search includes local search, image search, industry specific vertical search and video search.

Seo gives the idea of working of search engine and what people looking for in the internet. Content is the main factor of seo and the entire website. It also involves regular updating of content, proper html tagging, keyword density for respective content and search engine indexing process. The term seo is also known as search engine optimizers as it refers to a team or an industry that makes optimization for different client. It is also linked with website development and designing process as it requires some html editing in the content. Content editing, images, videos. Shopping carts, web site design are the general term used for describing for search engine friendly

During the mid of 1990 all the optimizers and content providers was started the optimizing of sites. All webmasters just submitting the address of pages to different search engine and search engine will crawl the pages at that time. Search engine downloads that files and store in its server and where indexer extracts the various information about the content. It specifies the weight of the words, about different words, where it is located, date information and all linking to the pages. As importance of ranked sites increases daily they created a path for white hat and black hat seo optimizers.

Keyword Meta tag and indexing files are the early information about which search algorithm are based upon that is provided by the webmasters. Sometimes keywords choice in Meta tag harms the actual content of site in appropriate representation of its actual content. This can imbalance the rank of pages and make it irrelevant searches. Larry page and Sergey Brin of Stanford University developed a mathematical algorithm known as Page rank that is based upon quality and different links. It provides the page rank for website in respective 10 of totals as higher the page rank higher is the surfer for that website.

The most important thing used to do search engine optimization is SEO tools. These SEO tools are needed to configure the website for search engine optimization. Here are the descriptions of various SEO tools.

Adsense Calculator: It allows Google ad sense users to calculate how much they can earn daily monthly and yearly. Inside the calculator Daily page impression, Click through rate and Cost per click are the necessary term to calculate the earnings.

Advance Meta tag generators: This allows us to add Meta tags to our sites. It makes the website more visible in search results.

Alexa Rank Comparison: It shows the traffic information of any website using millions of Alexa toolbar users. It gives the details of site search in 3 months and its full description.

Code to text ratio: It measures the information about the text and anchor text from the website pages and represents a content ratio based on this information. Higher code to text ratio means higher chance of appearing in the search results and maintaining a good page rank. Search engine uses the code to text ratio in their index algorithm.

Domain age: Age is the major factor for every websites. In respect to new domain older domain may be get a low ranking in search engine results.

Keyword suggestion for Google: This tool helps us to find a relevant and popular keyword for web site pages. How many times a given term occurring is the main concept behind the keyword suggestion.

Indexed pages: it will return u all the possible links count for URL via searching in the entire search engine. This will vary search engine to search engine as it depends to search engine how much they have crawled the links.

Keyword cloud: It provides details of keyword in a websites. We can see the keyword with higher density easily.

Keyword density: Search engine determines that which term of websites is more relevant. The accurate keyword will produce higher search engine results. It will be balanced throughout the websites correctly not to long not too short.

Link popularity: It emphasizes the link between the WebPages and different websites. Search engine used it to determine the website position in search results. Site with more inbound links will get higher position comparison to similar site with fewer links.

Page Rank lookup: It describes the popularity of any websites. Higher the page rank higher is the popularity and more viewers to that websites.

‘Acquiring hyper marketing rank’ is a phrase that is of highest concern to any company today. In the world today where competition has reached to its peak, it is very important for companies to undertake numerous strategies to promote their sales. Where remaining in the market requires real hard work, what amount of planning and working would be required by a company to achieve a rank in the market? Further more, how much effort will be needed to hold that place in the market that it has achieved?

Obviously, there are thousands of strategies that different firms undertake to achieve all the above things. One prime important strategy that is used by all firms is ‘SEO’.

Well, what is this and what is its importance will be dealt with a little later. Initially, one point to be discussed before SEO is ‘a search engine’.

Whenever you want to gain any informational detail about anything, you can easily enter into certain sites like ‘Google’, for example, and enter the topic to be searched. Automatic search happens and different results are in front of you. Sites which perform these searches are called search engines. Have you ever thought how the ranking of the search results is done? What is the importance of being among the top rankers? The ranking is obviously done by the search engine itself. This task is performed using certain algorithms and these algorithms use certain features as the judging factor in their algorithms.

Search Engine Optimasation motive

Now, coming to SEO, this is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization or Optimizer. Search Engine Optimization is the process of bringing a result to the highest position in the search result. Obviously, the websites on top of the search result list gain higher weightage compared to the others in the list. One reason for this is that clients who are in haste will use the site mentioned on top itself rather than navigating through rest of the result and the others will obviously go stepwise top to bottom.

Thus, we have seen the need for using SEO. There are certain sites that act as providers of search optimization, that is, they optimize the websites that hire them for the purpose. One very important issue not to be forgotten here is, which SEO to acquire? You must be extremely aware of the means undertaken by the SEO. Certain optimizers acquire unfair means to achieve their goal. You must always gather all information regarding their ways of doing their work, their previous tasks and their trust graph.

If you neglect this, you may find your website in great trouble. The search engines can even remove your site from the list forever if any unfair mean was employed to optimize your site. If a black mark occurs at your side, it remains there forever.

Thus, SEO should be very cleverly and intelligently chosen so that it proves a boon to the company rather than a bane.

Before beginning with ‘what is SEO’, let us discuss certain things regarding your daily life. You have often searched through a number of search engines for several data information. Have you ever thought of how these results are ordered and what is the motive behind it? The results that you obtain are in counts of thousands. They are ranked on the bases of certain algorithms and are arranged in that order when the result is exposed to the client.

seo-success-wheelIn this highly competitive world, where, the one who grabs each and every opportunity is the winner and the one who loses even one is a looser, people need to plan out every single thing. One way of marketing is via advertisement. The other very important one is: being the first to provide information regarding the products and the rest of the details. If while searching for a product that is formed by a company, say X, the results first show the product details of some other company then it would certainly mean a very big failure for company X. Thus, attaining the top position in every place is the secret to a company’s success. Attaining the top place in the search result is done by a process known as Search Engine Optimization.

In today’s world, company’s reputation is all that matters to everyone; be it to the customers or to other companies. While choosing the SEO, companies need to be extremely careful. One wrong decision can turn things up-side down. The things that need to be inquired are, whether legal measures are taken for the optimization process or some unfair means used. The company should have the complete history of the site. All the success stories should be verified and it should be seen that no wrong commitments are made on behalf of the company.

Whatever is the factor taken into account in the algorithmic calculation by the search engine should be guessed and improved. This is one fair means of attaining the top rank. This is one approach that can be taken by the SEO rather than any illegal measure. Illegal measures may even result in the exit of the company from the list forever. Such consequences can be unknowingly attained by the company due to the fault of the SEO. Thus SEO should be very perfectly chosen.

SEO is meant for increasing the sales of a company and consequently its market status. Thus, it is a very necessary as well as profit-gaining method for the welfare of the company. If suffered by a wrong SEO, everything will reach to its bottom line, making conditions worse for the company rather than improving it. Thus, don’t back the wrong horse at any cost.

Search engine optimizations methods are the important part used by the webmasters to get higher page rank or more visitors for their sites in search engine results pages.  There are different seo methods available some of them are listed below.


Google and Yahoo, the leader search engines use crawlers to find content and pages for their respective search results. If the pages are linked with another search engine they did not need to submit as they are searchable easily and automatically. Set fee or cost per click is the paid submission service used by the Yahoo for crawling the web pages. They do not provide guarantee of the page ranking within the search results but provides guarantee of inclusion in the database. Yahoo Directory and Open Directory Project are the two major directories; they require human editing review and manual submission of web sites pages. In case of Google it uses Google webmaster tools. Xml sitemap feed is necessary to ensure that all the website pages are found and submitted free for Google webmasters tools. Some pages which are not found easily are recovered by this. There are different factor which are considered during the crawling of a websites by search engine crawlers. Positions of pages from the root directory of a website are also a good factor for crawling of pages. Search engine does not crawl every page of the websites.

Preventing crawling:

Webmasters can give instruction to spiders, not to crawl an undesirable page or content in search indexes. This is done by robots.txt file in the root directory of the domain. A page can be excluded from the search engine database by supplying the Meta tag to robots. Robot.txt file gives instruction to search engine that which file is first crawled and which file are not be crawled. Login specific pages e.g. shopping carts and user-information content are the general pages which are prevented for being crawled by search engine. In 2007 Google gives notice to webmasters not to index the internal search results as these pages contains search spam

Increasing dominance of pages:

There are varieties of other method used to get a webpage shown up in different search engine results. They are:

Canonical Meta tag is used for URL normalization of web pages via multiple Urls. Keyword stuffing is the process of adding relevant keyword to a web pages Meta tags. There are cross linking and link farming is the other ways to increase page rank for the websites.

home title

Seo is the most useful method to improve your quality of your web pages and website through organic and algorithmic search engine search results. Generally the website URL address appears in the first list of a searching process getting the higher priority of visitors view. This is what we call a Search Engine Optimization. The presence, quality and quantity matter of a website is given by the seo process of web presence of that website. The area of seo search includes local search, image search, industry specific vertical search and video search.

Seo gives the idea of working of search engine and what people looking for in the internet. Content is the main factor of seo and the entire website. It also involves regular updating of content, proper html tagging, keyword density for respective content and search engine indexing process. The term seo is also known as search engine optimizers as it refers to a team or an industry that makes optimization for different client. It is also linked with website development and designing process as it requires some html editing in the content. Content editing, images, videos. Shopping carts, web site design are the general term used for describing for search engine friendly

During the mid of 1990 all the optimizers and content providers was started the optimizing of sites. All webmasters just submitting the address of pages to different search engine and search engine will crawl the pages at that time. Search engine downloads that files and store in its server and where indexer extracts the various information about the content. It specifies the weight of the words, about different words, where it is located, date information and all linking to the pages. As importance of ranked sites increases daily they created a path for white hat and black hat seo optimizers.

Keyword Meta tag and indexing files are the early information about which search algorithm are based upon that is provided by the webmasters. Sometimes keywords choice in Meta tag harms the actual content of site in appropriate representation of its actual content. This can imbalance the rank of pages and make it irrelevant searches. Larry page and Sergey Brin of Stanford University developed a mathematical algorithm known as Page rank that is based upon quality and different links. It provides the page rank for website in respective 10 of totals as higher the page rank higher is the surfer for that website.

The most important thing used to do search engine optimization is SEO tools. These SEO tools are needed to configure the website for search engine optimization. Here are the descriptions of various SEO tools.

Adsense Calculator: It allows Google ad sense users to calculate how much they can earn daily monthly and yearly. Inside the calculator Daily page impression, Click through rate and Cost per click are the necessary term to calculate the earnings.

Advance Meta tag generators: This allows us to add Meta tags to our sites. It makes the website more visible in search results.

Alexa Rank Comparison: It shows the traffic information of any website using millions of Alexa toolbar users. It gives the details of site search in 3 months and its full description.

Code to text ratio: It measures the information about the text and anchor text from the website pages and represents a content ratio based on this information. Higher code to text ratio means higher chance of appearing in the search results and maintaining a good page rank. Search engine uses the code to text ratio in their index algorithm.

Domain age: Age is the major factor for every websites. In respect to new domain older domain may be get a low ranking in search engine results.

Keyword suggestion for Google: This tool helps us to find a relevant and popular keyword for web site pages. How many times a given term occurring is the main concept behind the keyword suggestion.

Indexed pages: it will return u all the possible links count for URL via searching in the entire search engine. This will vary search engine to search engine as it depends to search engine how much they have crawled the links.

Keyword cloud: It provides details of keyword in a websites. We can see the keyword with higher density easily.

Keyword density: Search engine determines that which term of websites is more relevant. The accurate keyword will produce higher search engine results. It will be balanced throughout the websites correctly not to long not too short.

Link popularity: It emphasizes the link between the WebPages and different websites. Search engine used it to determine the website position in search results. Site with more inbound links will get higher position comparison to similar site with fewer links.

Page Rank lookup: It describes the popularity of any websites. Higher the page rank higher is the popularity and more viewers to that websites.

‘Acquiring hyper marketing rank’ is a phrase that is of highest concern to any company today. In the world today where competition has reached to its peak, it is very important for companies to undertake numerous strategies to promote their sales. Where remaining in the market requires real hard work, what amount of planning and working would be required by a company to achieve a rank in the market? Further more, how much effort will be needed to hold that place in the market that it has achieved?

Obviously, there are thousands of strategies that different firms undertake to achieve all the above things. One prime important strategy that is used by all firms is ‘SEO’.

Well, what is this and what is its importance will be dealt with a little later. Initially, one point to be discussed before SEO is ‘a search engine’.

Whenever you want to gain any informational detail about anything, you can easily enter into certain sites like ‘Google’, for example, and enter the topic to be searched. Automatic search happens and different results are in front of you. Sites which perform these searches are called search engines. Have you ever thought how the ranking of the search results is done? What is the importance of being among the top rankers? The ranking is obviously done by the search engine itself. This task is performed using certain algorithms and these algorithms use certain features as the judging factor in their algorithms.

Search Engine Optimasation motive

Now, coming to SEO, this is an abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization or Optimizer. Search Engine Optimization is the process of bringing a result to the highest position in the search result. Obviously, the websites on top of the search result list gain higher weightage compared to the others in the list. One reason for this is that clients who are in haste will use the site mentioned on top itself rather than navigating through rest of the result and the others will obviously go stepwise top to bottom.

Thus, we have seen the need for using SEO. There are certain sites that act as providers of search optimization, that is, they optimize the websites that hire them for the purpose. One very important issue not to be forgotten here is, which SEO to acquire? You must be extremely aware of the means undertaken by the SEO. Certain optimizers acquire unfair means to achieve their goal. You must always gather all information regarding their ways of doing their work, their previous tasks and their trust graph.

If you neglect this, you may find your website in great trouble. The search engines can even remove your site from the list forever if any unfair mean was employed to optimize your site. If a black mark occurs at your side, it remains there forever.

Thus, SEO should be very cleverly and intelligently chosen so that it proves a boon to the company rather than a bane.

Before beginning with ‘what is SEO’, let us discuss certain things regarding your daily life. You have often searched through a number of search engines for several data information. Have you ever thought of how these results are ordered and what is the motive behind it? The results that you obtain are in counts of thousands. They are ranked on the bases of certain algorithms and are arranged in that order when the result is exposed to the client.

seo-success-wheelIn this highly competitive world, where, the one who grabs each and every opportunity is the winner and the one who loses even one is a looser, people need to plan out every single thing. One way of marketing is via advertisement. The other very important one is: being the first to provide information regarding the products and the rest of the details. If while searching for a product that is formed by a company, say X, the results first show the product details of some other company then it would certainly mean a very big failure for company X. Thus, attaining the top position in every place is the secret to a company’s success. Attaining the top place in the search result is done by a process known as Search Engine Optimization.

In today’s world, company’s reputation is all that matters to everyone; be it to the customers or to other companies. While choosing the SEO, companies need to be extremely careful. One wrong decision can turn things up-side down. The things that need to be inquired are, whether legal measures are taken for the optimization process or some unfair means used. The company should have the complete history of the site. All the success stories should be verified and it should be seen that no wrong commitments are made on behalf of the company.

Whatever is the factor taken into account in the algorithmic calculation by the search engine should be guessed and improved. This is one fair means of attaining the top rank. This is one approach that can be taken by the SEO rather than any illegal measure. Illegal measures may even result in the exit of the company from the list forever. Such consequences can be unknowingly attained by the company due to the fault of the SEO. Thus SEO should be very perfectly chosen.

SEO is meant for increasing the sales of a company and consequently its market status. Thus, it is a very necessary as well as profit-gaining method for the welfare of the company. If suffered by a wrong SEO, everything will reach to its bottom line, making conditions worse for the company rather than improving it. Thus, don’t back the wrong horse at any cost.

Search engine optimizations methods are the important part used by the webmasters to get higher page rank or more visitors for their sites in search engine results pages.  There are different seo methods available some of them are listed below.


Google and Yahoo, the leader search engines use crawlers to find content and pages for their respective search results. If the pages are linked with another search engine they did not need to submit as they are searchable easily and automatically. Set fee or cost per click is the paid submission service used by the Yahoo for crawling the web pages. They do not provide guarantee of the page ranking within the search results but provides guarantee of inclusion in the database. Yahoo Directory and Open Directory Project are the two major directories; they require human editing review and manual submission of web sites pages. In case of Google it uses Google webmaster tools. Xml sitemap feed is necessary to ensure that all the website pages are found and submitted free for Google webmasters tools. Some pages which are not found easily are recovered by this. There are different factor which are considered during the crawling of a websites by search engine crawlers. Positions of pages from the root directory of a website are also a good factor for crawling of pages. Search engine does not crawl every page of the websites.

Preventing crawling:

Webmasters can give instruction to spiders, not to crawl an undesirable page or content in search indexes. This is done by robots.txt file in the root directory of the domain. A page can be excluded from the search engine database by supplying the Meta tag to robots. Robot.txt file gives instruction to search engine that which file is first crawled and which file are not be crawled. Login specific pages e.g. shopping carts and user-information content are the general pages which are prevented for being crawled by search engine. In 2007 Google gives notice to webmasters not to index the internal search results as these pages contains search spam

Increasing dominance of pages:

There are varieties of other method used to get a webpage shown up in different search engine results. They are:

Canonical Meta tag is used for URL normalization of web pages via multiple Urls. Keyword stuffing is the process of adding relevant keyword to a web pages Meta tags. There are cross linking and link farming is the other ways to increase page rank for the websites.
